Does Anyone Follow Traffic Laws Anymore?

Kenneth Watkins
2 min readFeb 28, 2024
traffic signals

Everyday as I travel it always cross my mind has everyone forgot about Traffic laws that are in place. No longer do we stop for red lights like we use too. There was a time where we place value on following traffic laws, but that time seems to be long gone anymore. How have we reached this point?

I guess it could come from the society we live in. People are always on the run and looking to cut there time on the road. This isn’t an excuse to run traffic lights or disobey traffic laws. In today’s mobile society we have so many distractions in our vehicles and our hands. This has caused many issues that it seems are now tolerated.

I would love to see a study of how many people have run red lights and caused accidents or even deaths. One death in my opinion is to many. This is why I try to limit my traveling time anymore. I won’t have some senseless people total my car with my grandsons in it because they won’t pay attention.

It’s a shame it has gotten to this, but thats where we at. It’s real sad because in another 20 years it will be beyond crazy on these roads. To the drivers that follow the rules on the road I thank you.



Kenneth Watkins

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