Finding My Way In Today’s World Of Writing

Kenneth Watkins
2 min readJul 12, 2024

Writing has changed so much over the years, some of it’s been good, some not so much. More and more people are looking to make a living writing so it’s getting tougher to stand out from the crowd.

Does this mean it’s hopeless for future writers? Not really. Writing today can be very rewarding as more opportunities come available on a daily basis. It’s what you do with this information that will determine your sucess or failure.

Websites like Medium give you a forum to produce your content and actually profit from it. Many people feel Medium is not what they need and that is possible.

When it comes to writing not one size fits all. Many people enjoy what Medium offers and some do not. Each person has to make their own decision on what is best for them as a writer.


Medium is a great starting point for any writer today. It does not mean you have to stay here forever, because you do not have to stay here forever. Some people write for other websites, some do not. Everyone has to find their own way in this complicated writing world.

There is no book to follow or no hard fast rules. Write what you want and post it where you want too. If Medium is not your cup of tea, it’s okay just do what makes you happy as you must fjnd your own way.



Kenneth Watkins

Welcome to my page. I write on a variety of topics from sports to poetry and everything in-between. Drop me a note at