2 Things That Technology Has Killed For Most People

Kenneth Watkins
2 min readJul 21, 2024

No matter what people will tell you technology hasn’t always been the greatest gift the world has received. Yes, I will be the first to admit I love my laptop, cellphone, and other technology. That doesn’t mean I don’t miss the things that have slowly disappeared over the years.

Today, we will look at 2 things that are still around, but basically on life support anymore. Sadly, it has come to this, but that’s the world we live in now.

  1. Letter Writing is something that is a lost art these days. There would be a time when you would go to the mailbox and out would fall a letter from a friend or family member.

Now that we have email that is a thing of the past. People do not write letters like they used to on a consistent basis. The cost has something to do with it as well. Postage costs keep going up and email is so much cheaper to use daily.

2. Christmas Cards is second on my list that have taken a hit because of technology. Have you noticed over the years how fewer and fewer people send Christmas cards to you? This is because it costs more and Christmas cards seem to be an afterthought with people anymore.


I know most people may care less about letter writing and Christmas cards. Once you get in your 60’s you look back at how things have changed and not always for the betterment of mankind.



Kenneth Watkins

Welcome to my page. I write on a variety of topics from sports to poetry and everything in-between. Drop me a note at ken7700@gmail.com.